NEW from HIC-HLRN: “The Land and Its People”

HIC-HLRN has just published
the English-language version of its compilation of papers and presentations of
the MENA Land Forum (2009–13).

This volume compiles the
contributions of participants in four rounds of the MENA Land Forum, 2009-2013.
It embodies the diagnostic presentations and papers in English translation for
the wider international public. The 36 contributions are organized according to
10 timely themes, exploring tenure rights; water scarcity; gender, the right to
the city; corruption; indigenous peoples; conflict, occupation and war;
globalization; land and revolution; and land in constitution and policy reform.

HIC-HLRN will soon publish The Land and Its People as an e-book, with additional
contributions to form a “living document.”

* Download the publication The Land and Its People

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