HLRN Board Members

HIC-HLRN elections ended last week and we are please to announce that this process has successfully concluded with two HLRN Representatives at the Board:

  • Board Member: Mr. Joseph Schechla, HLRN coordinator, elected for the second term to the Board, involved with HIC for the past 17 years, Coordinator of HIC-MENA Focal Point, initiator of the Urgent Action System, responsible for the Cairo Coordinating Office (jschechla@hlrn.org).
  • Board Alternate: Mrs. Shivani Bhardwaj, Sathi All for Partnerships Program Director (India), expert in Housing and Land Rights for the past 18 years, coordinator of regional and national exchanges, expositions and events with M. Kothari until 2003, builder of the Consult for Women and Land Rights, associate coordinator South Asia Regional Program, HIC/HLRN 2000-2003 (bhardwaj_s@vsnl.net).

Our thanks for all of HLRN members who participated to this electoral process and for our great Electoral Committee, and congratulations to the elected Board members ! It has been an open and transparent experience that will help us to enhance the participation of our HIC structures, and strengthen the institutional operation of the Coalition.

For more information on the process or to submit ideas and proposals to our new representatives contact: marie@hic-net.org

Ana Sugranyes, HIC General Secretary

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