HIC General Assembly Agenda

Habitat International Coalition (HIC) convokes all its members to the next General Assembly, which will take place on Monday, September the 13th, during the morning, in Barcelona, Spain, with the following proposed agenda: 1. Verification of Quorum (10:00 AM) 2. Approval of the Agenda 3. Welcome and Introduction by HIC President, Enrique Ortiz 4. Approval of the Minutes of the previous General Assembly, Porto Alegre, January 2003 5. Progress Report by HIC General Secretary, Ana Sugranyes 6. Financial Audit Report by HIC Treasurer, Joseph Schechla 7. Strategy to consolidate HIC activities and visibility in the different Regions, and global networking. Presentation by the Committees/Network Coordinators and by Focal Points. General debate (*) 8. Plan of Action 2004 – 2005 9. Other business 10. Date and place of the next General Assembly 11. Closing (*) The meeting called for Saturday, September 11, during the morning, for a discussion of HIC and the UN is part of this general debate. Confirm your participation to the email general.secretary@hic-net.org and we will indicate to you the place where the Assembly will take place.

Why are collaborative housing models needed today?

Why are collaborative housing models needed today?

Our President Adriana Allen joined the opening of the Collaborative Housing Day at the Third International Social Housing Festival that took place in Helsinki between 14–17 June 2022.  “Why are collaborative housing [...]

Priorités Thématiques de HIC

Priorités Thématiques de HIC

* Revenir à HIC au Forum urbain mondial 11 Les activités développées pendant le FUM permettront de mettre en lumière certains des principaux axes stratégiques de travail de HIC : [...]