Restructuring of Precarious Housing Areas. The Case of Sokoura, Aboisso

In order to deal with the phenomenon of expansion in spontaneous housing areas, the Ivory Coast authorities launched a pilot operation to re-structure a precarious housing district in the context of the bi-lateral framework set up in 1985 by the Ivory Coast and USAID.

This operation, which was launched in 1987, was located in Sokoura, a district on the immediate outskirts of the city of Aboisso, in the South-East of the Ivory Coast. In 1987, the zone under study had around 7,000 inhabitants made up of 7 nationalities and dominated by foreigners; it was characterized by its precariousness both in terms of land tenure and public infrastructures. As a result, the population of this district felt rejected by the rest of the city.

The objectives of the project were therefore:

  • to ensure the security of the inhabitants land tenure,
  • to integrate the district into the socio-economic life of the city as a whole,
  • to promote the populations involvement in ideas for improving the districts environment.

The major partners in this project were:

  • The Ministry of Construction and Urbanization, central project management,
  • the municipality of Aboisso, local project management,
  • the Head Office for Control of Major Construction Projects (CGTx), technical project management
  • the French Association of Volunteers for Progress (AFVP), social project management
  • Grass-Roots Community Organizations (CBOs), representing the interests of the population as a whole,
  • decentralized State structures,
  • formal and informal private entrepreneurs.

The major protagonist in the project was the AFVP. On the recommendation of the other institutional groups, this organization was requested by the municipal authorities to ensure the social involvement of the districts population and to promote their participation in the projects application. However, it rapidly came to play the supplementary role of intermediary between the parties involved, who ignored or snubbed one another according to their individual interests and in their own particular ways.

This project, among the first of its kind in the Ivory Coast and therefore does not benefit of reference points of experience, has been dogged by conflict, stumbling-blocks, etc, and these factors have not assisted the projects favorable management. Nonetheless, the experiment has made it possible for the different partners, particularly the AFVP and the institutional associates, to capitalize on the approach in order to reproduce it better in other sites at the national level.

Declaración del Encuentro Internacional por Ciudades Igualitarias

Declaración del Encuentro Internacional por Ciudades Igualitarias

En el marco del U20, organizaciones sociales, movimientos populares, redes de la sociedad civil, integrantes de la academia y autoridades locales comprometidas con la igualdad, los derechos humanos y la sustentabilidad se reunieron en Buenos Aires para proponer un compromiso común por Ciudades Igualitarias.

A un año de los sismos: el proyecto de Reconstrucción Integral y Social del Hábitat en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca

A un año de los sismos: el proyecto de Reconstrucción Integral y Social del Hábitat en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca

El 7 de septiembre de 2017 un sismo con magnitud de 8.2 con epicentro en Chiapas, afectó gravemente comunidades de ese estado, así como de Oaxaca. En el segundo caso, los principales daños ocurrieron en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Ixtaltepec, Juchitan, Ixtepec y muchas de las comunidades Binnizá (Zapotecas) e Ikoot (Huaves) fueron seriamente afectadas. El 23 de septiembre del mismo año, un nuevo sismo de magnitud 6.3 con epicentro en Ixtepec agravó el problema.

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