HIC Annual Report 2012



The 2012 HIC Annual Report sheds light on the renewed commitment of HIC members, friends, and offices in the promotion, defense and realization of the right of all people to live in a place in peace and with dignity. Through our actions, from local to international spheres, we face increasing challenges and we must face them through coordinated efforts while reviewing the relevance of our strategies and practices.

Struggles for the right to land, housing and the city continue to be at the heart of conflicts in all corners of the
world. Organizations and citizens around the world resist and mobilize themselves against commodification and
in defense of their territories, common goods, public spaces, and the right to participate in the decisions that affect
their surroundings.


Message from the President (p. 1)
The Coalition (p. 2)
HIC in the World (p. 2)
The Coalition’s faces (p. 3)
Welcome to our new Members 2012! (p. 4)
Structures’ Reports (p. 5-16)
Global Activities (p. 16-17)
Financial Statement (p 18)
Our Partners (p. 19-20)



Declaración del Encuentro Internacional por Ciudades Igualitarias

Declaración del Encuentro Internacional por Ciudades Igualitarias

En el marco del U20, organizaciones sociales, movimientos populares, redes de la sociedad civil, integrantes de la academia y autoridades locales comprometidas con la igualdad, los derechos humanos y la sustentabilidad se reunieron en Buenos Aires para proponer un compromiso común por Ciudades Igualitarias.

Planning [In]Justice : Spatial Analysis for Urban Cairo

Planning [In]Justice : Spatial Analysis for Urban Cairo

This publication considers the contemporary issue of spatial inequality in the Greater Cairo Region (GCR), it provides the historical context of urban governance, the built environment, and national policies and developments in Egypt.